Well, a program called Kuliah Kerja Nyata, has been finished, FINALLY!!
When I said, "I don't feel like doing this! This program is useless!" I know now that it was not 100% true.
At least I get nine new friends and some lessons to learn. But please note, it was not about the program to be learnt, but more to the life experiences that each of these new friends has and has shared them to me during this 40 days.

Sambil nunggu Imam nyiapin Sholat Taraweh (Bobby nyempil-nyempil segala --')

Sholat Taraweh bareeeeeeng!! Ini Canny gitu ya yg take photo?

Canny sama Miyut bantuin ibu-ibu Posyandu :))

Deuh... Miyut :))

De' Sendi, our leader, aciyeee ciyeee... sok2 mo bikin siluet abis acara di kecamatan

Make the library more comfortable and the books more accessible (@ Perpustakaan PKBM)

Ini... abis acara di PAUD ya kalo ga salah? :D

I hope they are not my only-40-day friends, but my longlife ones :D

L to R: Riany, Miyut, Nuy, Hilman, Sendi, Bobby, Me, Canny, Icha