Good morning, Fellas! It is a little bit cloudy outside~
Well, I'm writing this with my swollen eyes because I didn't have enough sleep last night. What the hell did you do?? Nah, I just came home too late last night because, we had a table manner course! :D

Okay, in Intercultural Communication subject, there is a goal that we (me and my classmate) have to able to adapt in other cultures, especially western. So this table manner course was held to complete the goal, yeah sort of like that... hihihi.

It took place in Pandan Wangi Restaurant Santika Hotel. Before the table manner commenced, the hotel management showed us all the parts of the hotel; the superior room, family room, the executive suite, deluxe suite, and premiere suite. They also showed us the swimming pool. I almost thought that this was kind of promotion the hotel wanted to do unless they taught us how to make a bed (which is good, for someone who cannot set  the bedsheets by herself, like me haha)

taking random photo while waiting for the dinner 

diana and the be(a)stfriends :))

Then.... dinner time!
As mostly kinds of table manner, we also had some things, such as appetizer, main course, and dinner.
The appetizer was a bread (?) and butter filling, and chicken salad.

I forgot to take the photo, got the photo here
I forgot to take the photo, got the photo here

The main course which not really nice for me was a chicken steak. It's not a signature dish with a ginger flavour in its sauce which make me rudely said it was not really nice. While I was having the chicken steak, my bestfriend Ian, who doesn't like "meat" thingy, was served a tempe steak, and yeah, the taste isn't better. Hahahaha

For the dessert we got ice cream and sort of mocktail with some kinds of food in it.

Well, it's not about the food or the beverages. But the experience and the lesson that is more valuable. They teach how to eat well in western culture (though some of it has already known, and doesn't suit my religion, like eating by using left hand hehe). Hence the most important for me is our attitude while eating.

To close this activity well, me and my close friends had a photo session at Jonas Photo studio. And here is the result :D