Showing posts from 2011Show All
Malam Selasa, Ngegeje
isn't she, no, isn't he looooovely....
delayed to decay
i do not regret
a new adorable guy :*
beware of someone beside you
one day walking
a chaotic week
another giveaways =]
try to join "a giveaways program"
talk less, do more
2011-2012, beda!!
pilih yang ga sama ajaaaa
tori donburi
planning selfish >;]
Radang Tenggorokan Itu...
Sakit Jadi Stalker
I am grateful to be what I am
Welcome 20th :))
Cyteu said...
Judulnya... Apa ya judulnya?
it's trending now ;p
funny suck place ;D
Fitria Rona Wahyuni
Paris oohhh... Paris...
quoting from Rectoverso
10th March
sailor mars is back!! hahahaha